
Our image videos provide an entertaining and comprehensive image of Mortimer English Club and our franchise concept as well as our lessons.

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Learning English can be so easy…

Learning English can be so easy – with Mortimer English Club. Following this motto, our four characters, Mortimer, Malcolm, Betty and Uncle Godfrey lead you through our new video and show you how much fun children have during our English lessons.

Open day at the recording studio

Music and language – that fits pretty well!

Our Mortimer English Club children couldn’t only look at all the technical equipment of the “Music Store” music school but were even allowed to record their own song! Accompanied by cheerful Reggae tones, the previously rehearsed “Happy Song” received a whole new tone.

See for yourself how much fun everyone involved had!

German video.

Englisch lernen kann so einfach sein…

Englisch lernen kann so einfach sein – mit Mortimer English Club. Getreu diesem Motto führen unsere vier Charaktere Mortimer, Malcolm, Betty und Uncle Godfrey durch unser neues Video und zeigen, wie viel Spaß die Kinder während des Englischunterrichts haben.

German video.

Qué fácil es aprender inglés con Mortimer English Club.

Qué fácil es aprender inglés con Mortimer English Club. Siguiendo este lema, nuestros cuatro personajes ,Mortimer, Malcolm, Betty y el tío Godfrey te conducirán a través de este nuevo video y te mostrarán cómo se divierten los niños en nuestras clases de inglés.

Spanish subtitled.

We love a vibrant language

Mortimer English Club inspires students of all ages. In this video you can see what learning English at Mortimer English Club is all about and how it is experienced by our students.

Englisch – Made in Germany

The Mortimer franchise concept is a modern management form which enables you to secure a livelihood which promises great success.


Successful learning with Mortimer is scientifically proven!

Professor Heiner Böttger of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt explains why our courses are so successful

English-language Video.

Newsfrom Mortimer Headquarters in Herscheid, Germany

Цього літа Морті вирушить...

2023-03-29 23:52:04 – Пакуйте валізи! Цього літа ми вирушаємо у гості до Венсдей та сімейки Аддамс. Академія Невермор з усіма її загадками та таємницями чекає на Вас. Тут розгорнеться справжня детективна історія, страшна і весела, жахлива і захоплююча, сповнена надприродних сил, яку слід... Read more...