Early childhood second language acquisition

Scientific survey confirms the positive effects.

In early 2014, the management of Mortimer English Club entrusted the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt with the implementation of a survey to examine the effects of early childhood English education with Mortimer. The survey was conducted under the direction of Professor Heiner Böttger. In Mortimer English Clubs all around Germany, the lessons were observed and parents, students as well as teachers were questioned.

The focal point was: How does early childhood English education affect the development of foreign-language and learning strategy competence of children in secondary schools.

The results are remarkable:

  • 94 % agree that learning with Mortimer has a positive influence on the transfer to the secondary school.
  • 95 % of the children are enthusiastic about Mortimer lessons.
  • 80 % of the children enjoy participating in regular school English lessons.
  • 50 % of the children fully confirm that through Mortimer, they are better at English lessons than the other children in their class.
  • 46,9 % of the children are certain to have gained more self-confidence through Mortimer.

Please see the full survey for more details.

  • 83-page PDF
  • English-language
  • File size: 1,26 MB
