Play with Morty and his friends!

Playing and learning vocabulary at the same time? It works with Mortimer! Find below a couple of games to get to know Morty and his friends better and learn a bit of English vocabulary along the way!

Malcolm’s Memo games  

Malcolm’s Memo Games

Malcolm the dragon is feeling bored and wants to play memo. Can you help him find the matching pairs? Dear parents, this game features an alarm clock function. After the preset playing time has expired, an audio-visual signal is diplayed. The playing time is measured in minutes.

Welcome to Ivybridge!

Join us on a spectacular journey to Ivybridge and enjoy fun and games with Mortimer and his friends.
Welcome to Ivybridge
Mortimer´s Castle Games

Mortimer’s Castle Games

Test your English vocabulary with “Uncle Godfrey’s Magic Alphabet” or create colourful pictures by using simple words and their corresponding colours in “Betty’s Paintbox”.  

Tip: In case your computer doesn’t display the games correctly, your installed version of the Adobe Flash Player may be out-dated. You can download the player for free under Please ask your parents first if you are not sure whether you are allowed to install it.

Newsfrom Mortimer Headquarters in Herscheid, Germany

Цього літа Морті вирушить...

2023-03-29 23:52:04 – Пакуйте валізи! Цього літа ми вирушаємо у гості до Венсдей та сімейки Аддамс. Академія Невермор з усіма її загадками та таємницями чекає на Вас. Тут розгорнеться справжня детективна історія, страшна і весела, жахлива і захоплююча, сповнена надприродних сил, яку слід... Read more...