Welcome to Morty’s World!

Mortimer would like to tell you a bit about himself and his friends.


Hello friends, my name is Mortimer and I am a knight – Well, actually I’m still in training but I can already do many things that a real knight in the middle ages needs to know. Every day I’m practising archery, horse riding and sword fighting. I live in a castle in Cornwall, more exactly speaking in Ivybridge, together with my parents and grand parents. Cornwall is situated in the South of England. Here, I do many exciting things together with my friends. 


My name is Betty and as you can see I’m a bat. My friends say about me that I’m very smart and I often pay attention to Uncle Godfrey’s magic tricks so nothing can go wrong when he’s perfoming magic. I often sleep during the daytime but I get up really quickly if Morty and Malcolm want to go out and play because we always have a lot of fun together!


Hello children, my name is Malcolm and I am a dragon. I’m almost two hundred years old which makes me still a young dragon, almost a dragon child. For this reason I’m not very experienced in flying and still need to practise it often. But I can breathe fire really good! Some times, Mortimer climbs onto my back and we fly around Ivybridge together with Betty. There are other dragons as well, for example my cousin who tends the fire in the smithy and keeps it from burning down. 


My name is Godfrey and I’m Morty’s uncle. I have a laboratory in the highest room in a tower of the castle. In there is everything a wizard needs and it is also a classroom where I can teach Mortimer everything he needs to know as an educated knight: history, mathematics and foreign languages. For traveling, I have an amazing magical device: the Sky Express! It’s a time machine and we use it to fly anywhere we want, for example back to the dinosaurs. Or into the future to visit Morty’s friends there, or into the Wild West.